Diaper rash is one of the most common dermatologic conditions in the United States and the most common skin disorder of early childhood. The primary cause of diaper rash is prolonged and increased exposure to wetness/moisture to the skin.
Diaper rash usually comes on quickly, and it affects the areas of baby’s body that are in closest contact with the diaper. While there are some common symptoms of diaper rash, there is wide variation in what diaper rash looks like.
Take a look under your baby’s diaper. If diaper rash is causing the problem, you will see some or all of the following symptoms:
Pinkness or redness over a small or large area, wherever the diaper touches
Dry raised bumps (papules)
Fluid-filled raised bumps (pustules)
Dryness or peeling/scaling of the skin
Raised areas (edema, or swelling)
Affected areas may be warm to the touch
A yeast infection usually appears in the skin folds where it is warm and moist. It usually presents as a beefy red rash with white scales and lesions outside the diaper area, or satellite lesions.
Psoriasis is rare in infants. It presents as red thickened skin with silvery scales that may be itchy or sore and appears on the legs, arms or scalp.
Impetigo appears as yellow brownish crusty patches and/or pus-filled blisters. It is found on the buttocks, lower abdomen and thighs.
Be sure to call your pediatrician if your baby shows any of these symptoms.
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