5 Different Degrees & Types of Diaper Rash
This baby has some faint pinkness in the diaper area.
This baby has an area of pinkness and a few raised bumps.
This baby has definite pinkness in a large area with some small areas of definite redness. There are also scattered, raised bumps (papules).
This baby has intense redness, peeling, raised bumps (papules) and a few fluid-containing bumps (pustules). You should contact your pediatrician if your baby is experiencing the following types of rashes, moderate/severe and severe.
This baby has intense redness and large ares of multiple raised bumps (papules) as well as fluid-containing bumps (pustules). You should contact your pediatrician if your baby is experiencing the following types of rashes, moderate/severe and severe.

When to call the doctor
Always call your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your baby or her behavior.